Foundation Fiesta Clásica is administrated by a Board of Directors composed of six members. This board is responsible for the strategy of the foundation as well as the implementation of the long term programmes. The board meet at least twice a year in order to control the fund management and the programmes implemented during each budgetary year.
Our Board of Directors is composed of Corinne Bouygues Gobbi (Chairwoman), Dominique Mey (Vice President), Frank Ferandier-Sicard (Secretary), Pilar Camarero (Treasurer), Marisol Vicens Bello (Vocal) and José A. Caro Ginebra (Vocal).
Corinne Bouygues is French and regularly visits the Dominican Republic. She is in love with the country and has fallen under the spell of the incomparable charm of the Colonial Zone (intra-muros). She established the Foundation and is the president. The Bouygues family owns one of the world’s major companies in the building industry and one of the most important communication groups in Europe.
Corinne Bouygues
Vice President
Dominique Mey has been established in the Dominican Republic for more than 15 years. He is an entrepreneur specialized in advertising and also an art and culture lover. A lot of his time is spent restoring houses in the Colonial Zone.
Dominique Mey
Graduated in Political Sciences and Public International Law in the University of Bordeaux, he managed several companies of press and communication in France and abroad. Actually President of ACP Export, he developped a passion for the Santo Domingo Colonial Zone and classical music.
Frank Ferandier-Sicard
She was legal and administrative director of investment funds and promoters such as Fisher Island, London International Bank, Royal Resorts and Rushcliffe International. Since 2012 he manages large real estate projects in the Caribbean region. Graduate in Communication. European Expert in Implementation and Quality Management and Audit Expert of the ISO 9001 Standard.
Pilar Camarero
Marisol Vicens Bello is a Doctor in Law, holding a post graduate degree in law (DEA) and a post graduate degree in civil law (DESS) from Paris II Panthéon-Assas. She is an associate lawyer at Cabinet Headrick Rizik Alvarez & Fernández. Marisol is also involved in numerous social and charitable activities that make her one of the main actors in Dominican civil society.
Marisol Vicens Bello
José A. Caro, architect graduated from Cornell University, Ithaca New York. President of Caralva S.A., a company of architactural design and construction. Past President of Banco BHD and BHD Group. Actually member of the Board of Banco BHD-León and the BHD-León Financial Center.
José Antonio Caro G.